Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Pictures

The first image I have selected is of the infamous burnt out pier in Brighton. This image is an unusal site to see at the stereotypical, safe, family friendly environment of the seaside becuase it is unseen in any advertisments or postcards. the image also creates a menacing look into the darker side of the fun and games, when things go wrong, and how years of memories and merriment can be destroyed unexpectedly.

My second image is a close up of an open and overflowing bin, inside, the rubbish that those walking up and down the sea front don't get to see. The rubbish that is simply thrown into piles at the back of the nearest allyway, away from the main tourist sites of Brighton to keep the appealing aesthetic. This picture reveals the unclean underbelly of Brighton, and also the party atmosphere that accumilates during the week, evident by the beer bottles showing that Brighton doesn't recieve any special treatment becuase of its seaside status.

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