Tuesday 14 October 2008

2.1 - My Experimental Video Overview

My Experimental Overview

Name of Film: Mindset
Creator of Film: Mark Kipling
Length: Approx 5 minutes

For my experimental film my idea revolves around a person who leads a normal life, but is somehow struck down with sudden loss of sight. To begin when the person can seen everything anyone with sight can see; trees, buildings, litter, the pavement, cats running across the chain link fence. Everything. After a while the visuals will begin to blur as their sight begins to falter, seeing only blurred lights swirling around him, until later completely blanking out into nothingness as the condition gets worse. But instead of a black abyss, the person experiences a literal hell on earth; using visuals when in blindness to represent what this persons mind is going through, locked in a state of fear and mistrust. Stuck in a life where their sight means everything.

The audio will become a very important factor as the film progresses and his sight gets worse. Both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds will play a big part at various times. At the beginning, when the persons sight is normal, all sound will be diagetic, coming straight off the film and everyday speech. Even when he becomes blind diagetic sound will remain important as it is now the only thing he has to convince himself he is still in the land of the living, but increasing becomes his worst enemy as the sounds of the world around him start bringing up bad images as he forgets which sound belongs to what. Combining this with several highly over exaggerated, extremely odd and ideally high pitch noises which create a sense of annoyance for the viewer. One of several physical aspects to the piece to enable the viewer to get a small glimpse into the frustrations that are as a result of becoming blind.

I’d like this film to concentrate on the first few minutes immediately after becoming blind, My interpretation, working off the ideas of fear and mistrust and how one can never look at things in the same way again both physically and mentally; developing images in their head to represent sounds, some friendly and others much more intimidating.

What do I want people to think after viewing my film?

I’d like people to go away appreciating the simple things in life and never take something like sight for granted. To think what people may go through in their minds as something they rely on so much can be taken away so quickly whether over a period of time or instantly. What they see is all based on their personality and their thoughts. To realise the feeling of being in a permanent dream, where you’re eyes never really open again to see the wonders of the world. The helplessness one must feel as they are left in the control of those they can no longer identify with, suddenly becoming your eyes.

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