Monday 20 October 2008

2.1 - Experimental Video: Treatment Sheet



DURATION: 5:00 (Approx)

FORMAT: Digital Video

AUDIO: The majority of the audio will be provided naturally by those around me in diagetic form, whilst speech will be provided by meeither whilst filming or during post production if anything is inaudible on the soundtrack. The non diagetic sounds wiull come from weird noises I am able to find during post preduction to help over exaggerate every day noises as per my interpretation of a blinds man enhanced sense of hearing.

Hopefully everyone will be able to watch and enjoy my experimental video and get something out of it, ideally those who have never taken the time to look or think about how the world is seen through the mind of a blind person.

A man leading a perfectly normal life with no known troubles or disabilities, working a regular office job is suddenly struck down on the train in his way to work by a sudden bout of blindness. Confusion and fear strike the man in the first few minutes, as everything he knows around him is no more. With no sight and no sense of direction he pleads for help, the only indication of where he is are the congested, surreal noises around him and the blurred outlines of objects walking past.
Can he put his life in the hands of those around him, or will the indistinguishable blurry flashes, the high pitch confusing noises and lights of an unclear world get the better of the man?

The blind man – The identity is never revealed, and seen only through first person perspective to give the audience the impression that they are the one who is blind.

Background Characters - Everyone else in the short film will be those already on the train minding their own business, in an attempt to capture sound in its rawest and most natural state.

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