Sunday 16 November 2008

1.4 - Tate Modern Notes

1. List the work title next to the artist's name

1 Susan Hiller - Psi Girls
2 Jonas Mekas - State of Flux
3 Dan Graham - Two Correlated Rotations
4 Pawel Kwiek - Video A and Video P
5 Dominique Gonzalez - TH.2058

2. Give a brief description of each work

1 - 5 video screens each with different colour filters including greena nd red. Various clips from films about girls with telekinetic powers; Matilda being the one i recognised. Clips switch colour every so often.

2 - Unseen projector in dark room - Sped up footage. Blurry and a shaking camera adds massive confusion about meaning.

3 - Two cameras in dark room, facing different walls. Two perspectives as video shows men spinning around eachother in circles continuously

4 - Screen and seating area - Man directing cameras in polish with subtitles. Experimenting whilst filming

5 - Video on large screen. Physical objects in alrge room include endless bunkbeds with books on. Loneliness in a devasted and destroyed city. Locked away from endless rain with giant figures

3. List all denotations from the installation, for example list every thing that makes up the entire video piece. I.e. Screens, projectors, blackened room.

1 - Consisted of a long seat placed in a dark room with 5 seperate projectors running the 5 clips in different colours and on different screens. The long seat allows for multiple people to watch the video with the idea that each person on the seat is feeling a different emotion when looing at a different screen from the individual sitting next to them.

2 - Hidden projector above a shorter single seated area allowing maybe 5 or 6 at most. The seat faces a large screen in a small darkened room tucked away in a corner of the meuseam. The small area and proximity between seat and screen creates a sense of claustophobia and confusion as the video shows sped up, colurful and blurry rapid shots.

3 - 2 erect cameras facing two seperate walls, so their lines of projection cross over eachother. Smaller screens appear on the walls compared to the much large screens for other videos, where the video plays. the camera's placing possibly in relation to how the two men holding the cameras are also spinning around eachother to give a sense of location for each man?

4 - Another long single seat area for multiple audiences close to the screen projector hidden behind the audience. Ideally trying to make the audience feel like the cameraman, moving the cameras whilst filming.

5 - Very light room compared to the other 4 darker rooms. Endless rows of blue/yellow bunk beds with books on top of each with large figures towering over. Huge video screen plays clips from movies off an unnoticable projector. all of this together represents the lonliness on both the inside and outside of the shelter.

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