Sunday 16 November 2008

2.2 - Installation Plan and Method of Audience Feedback

Date: 12/12/08
Time: 3:30pm
Location: 4th floor - Room T46

The image to the left is a rough representation of how my exhibition space will appear.

The large empty room that i plan on using for my exhibition space will help represent the vast emptiness and lonliness that comes with going blind. Despite being free in the world to explore and do whatever you please, you are cursed with a physical limitation that can sometimes bring your life to a complete stand still. The pitch black room, giving off the impression of blindness.
The single seat in front of the TV will make the viewing experience more personal, as the film has been created in the first person perspective.
The light from the TV screen shining directly at the view will enhance that initial idea of being blind as they look away from the bright screen and allow their eyes to readjust to the dark room, providing temporary blindness.
As the viewer walks into the room they will be blindfolded, with a looped audio clip of a busy street playing in the background. This will act as their journey to the train station where the film begins. Both of these ideas bring a physical element to my piece along side the visual imagery.

Immediately after the video has ended I plan to hand the viewer a short Questionnaire consisting of a few simple questions about their thoughts and views on the video and what they think they can take away from watching it. Also whether or not they have become more appreciative to the gift of sight after very briefly experiencing it first hand after looking away from the screen. I plan to ask the viewer these questions immediately so their initial reactions to the video are still fresh in their head.

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