Saturday 13 December 2008

2.3 - Post Production Diary

I began my post production the day after filming; 26/11/08 and ran on through until the 5/12/08 using the emtire allotted time space to work on my video and to make sure it was as technically sound as possible before exhibition week. I uploaded my footage from the camera onto iMovie HD provided by the Colleges own MAC PCs

I didn't really have many problems at all when editing my work together. As my video was filmed in only one take, the only problem I really ran into was finding a good time to stop the video, as I obviously didn't want the video to cut out mid sentence otherwise the entire video would have lost its source of credibility. Fortunately I was lucky enough to be able to cut my video at exactly 5 minutes (The time limit for the piece) due to the audio effects I had added in; distorting the voices.

Once the length had been decided, I followed my storyboard to find the point at which I had planned for the vision to go completely, with the occassional blur before hand to show the audience that something wasn't quite right. After peering down at the hand, the audio begins to play a very heavy and important role in the film. I had intended to make the audio as uneasy sounding and as frustrating for the audience to listen to as possible, with the intention of exaggerating everyday sounds due to lack of real identity. A varied mixture of high pitched noises, alarm bells ringing, different pitches of static and a very eerie instrumental along with deepened voices, juxtaposed with a black screen with white blobs bouncing around in either a calm or frantic manner of movement, really helped create and emphasis a sense of tension and fear in the video.

A problem I did encounter during post production was the insertion of the title. I didn't want to make a huge show out of it becuase I wanted the experience to feel as authentic as possible without any distractions. Luckily for me, there was an ideal spot to quickly flash the title 'Mindset' on screen when I was forced to make a cut due to a Media student arriving unexpectedly. It worked well as a filler between cuts and a reason for the time lapse and change in camera positions.

Once the title had been added, I played the video over to myself many many more times to ensure everything was as I had expected and was to a pleasing quality. The final step was to then compress the movie and burn it onto a DVD ready for exhibition week.

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