Saturday 13 December 2008

2.3 - Production Diary

My video production took place on the 25/11/08. My initial storyboard idea is slightly different to my final video. In my storyboards, I planned the journey on a bus, but later realised that I would have run into some financial difficulties and budget constraints had the filming gone wrong in any way due to having to pay for the bus each time.

The problem was solved simply enough by editing the pictures so my video now took place at the train station. The only contraint to this idea was gaining permission to film. Before I could begin filming on the Horsham train station I spent about 30 minutes talking to various people on the station about permission. Once everything had been cleared up with the officials I was free to film in a two hour period between 7am and 9am, just as intended due to the peak travelling time.
My production and video shoot was all carried out in one take. As this was the only chance I was able to get to do my filming, I couldn't afford any serious problems. Fortunately I didn't come across any technical issues from the camera or any physical difficults related to the general public; as the public have a tendancy to look at cameras whilst being filmed. I was able to pick up my bag (Originally scripted as my jacket but realised it would be too difficult to put on whilst also holding a camera) and find an empty seat on the train.
If anything, I believe people looking at the camera became a very effective tool for the Point Of View my video is shot in, becuase it gives the viewer a sense of person and that they really do exist in the world due to the acknwledgement from the public around them.

The only slight hitch was the unexpected arrival of other Media students travelling to College on the same train. At the time I believed my filming attempt had been jepordised as I originally planned to be on my own. yet carrying out a natural conversation in the subjective camera added to the realism of the piece.

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